Home \ Interpreter Training Programs \ English - Spanish Program
English - Spanish
Online Medical Interpreter Training Program
Culture Advantage Center for
We prepare interpreters to function as members of the healthcare team. Because we know healthcare.
And we know interpreting. Meet the members of the Culture Advantage Team.
Meet our newest CMI! Zoraida Torres, CMI-Spanish.

"I am sending you this quick note to share some great news. I passed the oral test and earned my CMI. Thanks for helping me to achieve this.
I am forever grateful, Zoraida." Zoraida currently works as a medical interpreter for a Penn State Community Clinic in Pennsylvania.
Our newest CHI! Aldo Arellano is now CHI-Spanish!
Aldo works as a Worker's Comp Medical Interpreter. "I enjoyed the entire program. I was able to practice more consecutive interpreting in English and Spanish. I learned medical terms and procedures, I was able to practice more Spanish. It was helpful that the staff were ready to answer any of my questions."
We are proud of Marcia Wagoner, Culture Advantage Graduate, CMI-Spanish!
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For bilingual individuals with advanced language skills. Learn medical terminology in both languages. Complete the program from your own home, or anywhere you have a computer.
You may log in at any time that is convenient for you. No travel required.
Also from our other graduates
I enjoyed watching the videos which helped me a lot with my interpreting.
I enjoyed calling in the assignments the least. Overall I loved the course, I know I did a lot of reading but that is the way I learn, that is why it has taken me longer to finish the course.
It is a great course that helped me personally better my skills and to better serve the patients and providers. Ana, Graduate, English-Spanish Program
"Being able to take a good quality course from home is fantastic". - Vally from Alabama, first graduate of the English-Spanish Medical Terminology Course.
What you will learn: Download our Online Professional Curriculum
What you will receive:
- Convenient delivery of lessons online at the eLearning Portal
- Intensive Online Medical Terminology training in both languages.
- Comprehensive Medical Interpreting Principles and Interpreting Skills Training (Standards of Practice, Code of Ethics, Roles of the Interpreter)
- Online Spanish Language Pack, a compiled library of audio and written medical information that includes practice with actual materials used by medical providers for instruction and health information.
- List of online resources in the non-English language for more extensive personal study if desired.
- One-on-One Feedback during live practice sessions. Professional mentoring by healthcare professionals, and professional interpreters (CMI/CHI). Bring your questions and practice what you are learning.
- The Comprehensive Final Evaluation (OSE) includes: Two-on-one live coaching and evaluation of your medical terminology knowledge, consecutive interpreting skills, and application of the Standards and Code of Ethics.
- Live practice sessions with coaching to prepare for the Final Evaluation (Live Oral Skills Evaluation in both languages).
- Clinically accurate and clinically authentic medical scenarios to prepare interpreters with real-life simulation of medical encounters, prepared by qualified healthcare professionals.
- Convenient online access to lessons, assignments and exams.
- Certificate of Completion of the Professional Medical Interpreter program with English-Spanish Concentration
- Discounted fee to national certification Question Bank if taken within 6 months of graduation (with receipt submission).
- Up to 3 hours of continuing education (within one year of graduation) offered by Culture Advantage (for professional programs).
- Discounts to selected courses and continuing education offerings, and educational products and services for one year after graduation.
- Become a highly qualified, knowledgable, well-trained professional medical interpreter through extensive training from healthcare professionals and professional medical interpreters.
- Strong foundation in medical concepts in both languages.
- Insight for medical interpreters from healthcare professionals. What do they really expect from you.
- Develop skills in over-the-phone interpreting through simulations during live practice sessions.
- Self-paced (based on performance) within your program plan. Complete assignments and quizzes online. Attend live practice sessions to receive feedback on your performance.
- Convenient online access.
- Flexible payment plans available.
- No travel, study from home.
- Private Coaching (Extra Fee) if desired, for more in-depth personalized coaching. Private Coaching may be required for some students
who need additional assistance to demonstrate the expected competencies.
Instructors and Mentors
Interpreting Instructors/Mentors: Professional Medical Interpreters and CMIs
Click here for our Mentors Page.
Start Dates:
Open Enrollment to qualified individuals
Course extensions are available if needed for a small fee.
You may start at any time. Click here to go to the 60-Hour Professional Program Page.
Click here to go to the 40-Hour Professional Program Page.
What you will learn: Download our Online Professional Curriculum
Join us now!
Current Program Plans Link
Please contact me directly for details. Thank you.