Online Medical Interpreter Program - Language-specific English-Turkish
||Professional-level Program - Online Presentations

Introducing the first graduate of our Professional English-Turkish Medical Interpreter Program!

Esra Kuruka.

Esra has experience as a medical interpreter and she learned a lot from the program. "I learned a lot! Before the training, I was doing things I was not supposed to be doing because I did not know about the standards. I also reviewed a lot of medical terminology in Turkish and English."

Our mentor for the Turkish Program is Nurhan Kayyali, a Culture Advantage Graduate and Mentor in Arabic and Turkish. Nurhan as a degree in translation and interpreting. She is based in Doha, Qatar. Culture Advantage Arabic MI Program

- Online Courses -

Convenient online format. We offer two program options.

Option 1: General Medical Interpreter Training 40-Hour Course. This course is designed for native-language speakers of Turkish, or professionals who have completed high school education in Turkey. This program prepares you for general medical interpreting in clinics and community health.

Option 2: Professional 60-Hour Language-specific Program. This program prepares you with the professional knowledge and skills to work side-by-side with physicians and other healthcare professionals where a broad background knowledge of medical concepts in both languages is critical such as in hospitals, medical centers, outpatient diagnostic and surgery centers, medical specialties such as urology, orthopedics, etc. Candidate must be able to read and write in Turkish at a high school level and have a college background.

Click here for more information and to register. Looking forward to having you in the program!

Our graduates!

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