Online and on-site Professional Medical Interpreter Training
With a variety of programs designed for doctors all the way to those with no experience, we personally work with you to address your needs.

Preparing Medical Interpreters for the Clinical Setting

Culture Advantage provides professional Medical Interpreting training programs through a supportive online e-learning course environment. Our programs prepares interpreters to work in clinical and hospital settings. We are working to define the Medical Interpreting profession. All programs are actively taught by experienced licensed healthcare professionals, who actively provide one-on-one feedback and advice. All together, the instructors have over seventy years of experience in the healthcare industry.

Whether you are an experienced healthcare professional, a large organization, a branch hospital, or simply somebody looking to dive into a new profession, Culture Advantage is here for you at every step of the way. read more

Medical Interpreter Training

Our programs are custom fit to your needs, designed to be convenient, self-paced, and comprehensive. Whether you are a bilingual healthcare professional looking to address both continuing education (CEU) requirements and your hospital's growing cultural needs, an bilingual ? We can address that. We have dedicated programs for Spanish, Portuguese, Mandarin, Russian, Arabic, Korean, and more

Who are we?

We are a team of experienced healthcare professionals concerned with the quality of language access for Limited English Proficiency (LEP) patients, and the quality of the education for those who assist these individuals. We are building bridges across cultural and language gaps, all the while building professional relationships and reaching out to those with a hungry desire to start solving the complex cultural issues in healthcare and industry today. Dive in, and help us help you discover your path.Dive in, and help us help you discover your path.